Pubilcation due in the Nursing Standard May 2018 and to be showcased at the RCN HQ 2018.
2016 -18: Contributed to the development of the standards needed to enable interoperability and the transfer of care for the urgent, emergency and crisis care environments. This was led by the Royal College of Physicians.
RCN Celebrating Nursing Practice Programme
2017: Selected on the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Celebrating Nursing Practice Programme 2017, as part of the RCN's centenary legacy: Digital Clinical Communication - Real-time Handover of Care Across Sectors
Digital Catapult London: Things Connected Innovation Programme
2017: Attended the Things Connected Innovation Programme:
Pubilcation due in the Nursing Standard May 2018 and to be showcased at the RCN HQ 2018.
Socilal Housing to understand their needs.